tirsdag 26. mars 2013

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: Courtesan Elite gear

Yay! Easter holiday! Plenty of time for making newest cosplay. I'm so exited!!!! Iz gonna be azm!

Because I have used the past days sowing, sowing, and sowing a bit more. But I have finished Fiora's shirt! And leather vest thingie is sown but needs details :D LOOK!

 Am I really tired now? Yes. Am I really happy and over-exited? YES!

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: Courtesan (Animi Avatar) Elite gear

So... I saw a picture of this character: Fiora Cavazza

Yes, she's a Templar. Well, kind-of.. As far as I have understood, she's a training avatar used by Abstergo Industries. Am I right, or am I clueless?

But that's not the point! She looks AWESOME! And she does parkour, and kills people with a fan. (There is sadly only one fan, not three though)

Another plus! A friend of me is doing his own modern assassin, so looking forward to "killing" each others yes!

Now, to the point! This will be my next cosplay. It will hopefully be finished by the start of May.

What about CC? Well, she's just not awesome enough, but I'll probably make her costume, sometime. I just don't have the motivation right now I guess. Mostly because I haven't gotten around to watching the rest of the anime. (Noooo, it's not boring..... maybe just a little bit....)

lørdag 17. november 2012

Code Geass: CC Lolita version; Wig here!

The fantastic, green wig is finally

Okei, finally is exaggerating, it got her in about two weeks. I am really pleased with the quality of the fibers and light weight. The best thing about it is the beautiful colour! It not just green, it striped with various shades of yellow and green, which gives a more "lifelike" look. Love it!

It is green and has pigtails, über adorable!

fredag 9. november 2012

Code Geass: CC Lolita version; November 10th

  It has now been 5 days since I ordered this fabulous wig. I just love the colours and the fact that the bangs are long enough for me to cut. The pigtailes might need some fluffy-ing up, I'm conidering to use crafting foam for that purpose.

  Just now I found the red fabric I intend to use. The colour is almost perfect, and it's made of fine quality cotton. Extra bonus: it is inexpensive. Next step now is to draw some sketches of the pattern for her dress to find out how much fabric I’ll need.

tirsdag 6. november 2012

Code Geass: CC Lolita version

Awesome yes?

So this will be my next cosplay.

I am currently in the planning and research phase, so here are my most important reference pictures.

I just love the bow at the back, and the pigtails, so adorable!